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At SVSS our goal is simple: find the root cause, relieve the symptoms, correct the problem, send you back to the playing field with the tools to stay healthy.  Each service we provide has that goal in mind. For each patient, we tailor a treatment plan to get you healthy and functional as quickly as possible.  




The bones of the spine are designed to move in concert with one another.   Each spinal joint must move properly for optimum performance.  Unfortunately they sometimes become stuck, misaligned, don't move enough, or they move too much.  This can be caused by trauma (repetitive motion, car accidents, slips and falls, athletic activity, etc).  It can also by caused by loss of flexibility, muscle deconditioning, and poor posture.  When spinal joints are fixated or misaligned, they force other joints to move too much.  These problems can distort normal spinal curves and compromise proper function.

How can Chiropractic help?

A chiropractor (someone who has obtained a Doctorate of Chiropractic, DC through a minimum of 7 years of undergraduate and graduate studies) is the acknowledged, certified and licensed medical specialist in the detection and correction of spinal misalignments.  Through the use of Spinal Manipulative Therapy (SMT), Chiropractors can restore the normal position and movement of spinal and extremity joints.  If left untreated, spinal misalignments can cause pain, increase the rate of spinal arthritis, predispose you to a sprain/strain injury, and increase the risk of a disc injury.


Active Release Technique (ART) is a patented, non-invasive, soft-tissue treatment process that both locates and breaks down the scar tissue and fibrotic adhesions, which cause pain, stiffness, decreased range of motion, numbness, and physical dysfunction associated with Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI).  ART is used both for the treatment of RSI's, as well as the improvement of athletic performance.  Conditions such as TFL or IT Band Syndrome, hamstring or groin pulls, calf tightness, piriformis syndrome, glute tightness, plantar fascitis, shin splints, shoulder or back pain usually resolve in a short period of time.  ART has become one of the most sought after sports injury techniques in professional and amateur sports due to its high degree of effectiveness.

Why is ART different?

ART is a highly successful approach to injuries of muscles, tendons, nerves, and the surrounding soft-tissues.  ART is not your typical massage, physical therapy, or chiropractic care.  While those procedures relieve muscle and motion dysfunction, they do not necessarily address the underlying problems caused by scar tissue formation.

Every ART session is actually a combination of examination and treatment.  The ART provider uses his hands to evaluate the texture, tightness, and movement of muscles, fascia, tendons, ligaments, and nerves.  Abnormal tissues are treated by combining precisely directed tension with very specific patient movements.  These treatment protocols, over 500 specific moves, are unique to ART.  They allow the provider to identify and correct the specific problems that are affecting each individual patient.  The three most common mechanisms of injury are:

1.  Acute trauma
2.  Constant pressure/tension
3.  Repetitive motion

Dr. Maloy is a full body certified ART provider as well as an ART instructor.  She has served as the lead ART doctor at Ironman Texas since 2011.


The SFMA is a diagnostic tool that helps a provider identify dysfunctional movement patterns.  Further, using the SFMA, a provider can identify if the dysfunction is a mobility based dysfunction or stability  and/or motor control dysfunction. This information helps your provider to initiate the most appropriate treatment interventions (manual therapy and functional exercise) to normalize dysfunctional movement that caused your symptoms.

Dr. Maloy is an SFMA certified provider.



The non-invasive technique uses specially designed stainless steel instruments to help the clinician identify and treat areas exhibiting soft tissue fibrosis or chronic inflammation.

GT allows a clinician to get as deep into the tissue as necessary to invoke change, yet be sensitive to patient pain and tolerance. As the instruments are moved over the affected area and come in contact with the adhesions, they help break up scar tissue and fascial restrictions. In time, this process will reduce or eliminate the adhered fibers, restoring range of motion and eliminating the associated pain. It will help transform your soft tissue injury into healthy functioning tissue.

Dr. Maloy is a certified Graston provider.



An important part of the recovery process for chronic pain is to strengthen weak or injured muscles that support the affected area.  This helps restore stability, minimize the build up of scar tissue and the development of arthritis, and helps to prevent re-injury of the affected area.

A majority of non-trauma related injuries are a result of muscle deconditioning, a change in the resting length of muscles due to sitting or leaning over a desk all day, or neurological inhibition of a muscle resulting in improper contraction of that muscle.  Our personalized rehabilitation programs are designed to address all of these issues.  The combination of ART, chiropractic, and corrective exercise will work synergistically to get you better faster and keep you better longer.

Dr. Lezlie Maloy is a Corrective Exercise

Specialist, certified by the National Academy of

Sports Medicine.




In acute situations, a patient may not be able to tolerate active therapies.  SVSS does offer passive modalities like ultrasound, electric stimulation, heat and ice if needed.



SVSS is home to Nutriworks, a DFW based comprehensive nutritional consulting company.  Nutriworks was founded in 2004 in the Dallas-Forth Worth Metroplex because there was a vast need for active individuals and athletes to learn how to use food and fluid for their performance related goals.  

Today, Nutriworks works with clients all over the nation continuing to expand upon this passion.  Nutriworks believes if you are active, you are an athlete and all athletes should learn how to eat to train, not train to eat!  Whether it's a the gym, in boot camp, taking martial arts, training for a marathon, or competing in the Olympics, nutrition can help! 

You can make an appointment with one of Nutriwork's Registered Dietitian's by calling: 817-371-3627 or visit for more information.



Jason Soria of Team OPFit ( is the official  coach of Spring Valley Spine and SportsCare.  Coach Soria is a USA Triathlon certified coach and a certified Personal Trainer.  He enjoys working with all levels of athletes from beginner athletes to elite athletes.  All attention is individualized.  Private and /  or group training is available.  Personally Jason is an accomplished triathlete and runner.  He is a multi-Ironman finisher and Kona Qualifier/Finisher.  

Coaching Services offered:

  • Lactate threshold testing & determination of training zones (for all sports

  • Season planning and periodization

  • Custom training schedules (including other club schedules/commitments)

  • Sports nutrition and weight management

  • Group training rides and runs (depending on athlete schedules and time of year)

  • Private lessons for form and technique in each sport

  • Training analysis using each athlete's GPS and heart rate data

  • Race course strategies and visualization



Many runners enjoy a visual of their running gait.  We'd much prefer to secretly video you at mile 10 of a half marathon to accurately assess your gait, but since that is not feasible, treadmill analysis will have to do!  You will be allowed to warm up while walking for 3-5 minutes, then settle in to a comfortable run pace on the treadmill.  Video will be gathered from both a side and rear view.  You will receive slow motion analysis of your run gait, still shots with diagramming as well as a written report.  We do not do a gait analysis without also performing an FMS or an SMFA!  Your gait is simply a functional manifestation of your mobility/stability ability.  When gait analysis is combined with a movement assessment we can find your inefficiencies then see how they manifest while running.  Corrective exercises/stretches will be recommended at the end of your assessment.  Should any manual therapy be needed, it will be recommended at this time as well.



Kinesiology taping involves taping over and around muscles in order to assist and give support or to prevent over-contraction. The first technique gives the practitioner the opportunity to give support while still maintaining full range of motion. This enables the individual to participate in his/her normal physical activities with functional assistance. The second technique, which is most commonly used in the acute stage of rehabilitation, helps prevent overuse or over-contraction and helps provide facilitation of lymph flow for an entire 24 hour period. Correctional techniques include mechanical, lymphatic, ligament/tendon, fascia, space and functional.

Kinesiology Taping affects the activation of the neurological system and the circulatory system. Muscles are not only attributed to the movements of the body, they also control the circulation of venous and lymph flows, body temperature, etc. Therefore, the failure of the muscles to function properly induces various kinds of symptoms. Consequently, more attention was given to the importance of muscle function in order to activate the body's own healing process. Using an elastic tape, it was discovered that muscles and other tissues could be helped by outside assistance.

We use RockTape brand in our office;

RockTape is made from 97% cotton and

3% nylon. The adhesive is a hypo-allergenic,

acrylic-based and contains no latex.

                       Active Release Technique (ART)                     SFMA/FMS
                       Personal Training (Jason Soria)                     Gait Analysis                                                               Chiropractic                                                Kinesio Taping
                       Bike Fitting (Jason Soria)                             Graston Technique
                       Cupping                                                      Nutritional Counseling (Maria Martinez)
                       Coaching (Endurance) (Jason Soria)              Rehabilitation

© 2017 by SVSS

To Schedule An Appointment

Call 972.980.7131​

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